Policies and Procedures
Media Center Hours
The media center is open every school day from 7:10 until dismissal.
Student Check-Out
Students in grades K-1 may check out one book at a time. Students in grades 2-5 may check out two books. If a student is working on a research project, he/she may check out an additional book pertaining to the research topic.
Overdue Items
All materials are checked out for two weeks. We do not charge a fine for overdue books. However, if an item is not returned by its due date, no new books may be checked out. Overdue notices are provided to the classroom teacher each month.
Lost/Damaged Books
Students who lose or damage books are expected to pay the full replacement cost of the item. Damage includes:
- Coloring or writing on any pages
- Water or other liquid anywhere on the book (be careful of water bottles in backpacks!)
- Ripped or torn cover or pages
- Food stains and/or fingerprints
Payment for Lost/Damaged Books
Lost or damaged books can be reconciled in one of three ways:
1. Make out a check to "Sweet Apple Elementary"
2. Send in exact change
3. Purchase a replacement copy of the same title. Hardcover books must be replaced with hardcover books.